I have a few comments from the gallery. Some recommendations for other books.
From a reader in Thailand:
Polishing God's Monuments
Pillars of Hope for Punishing Times
A pastor and Bible College Professor preaches and teaches from the Word, but when prolonged, traumatic suffering engulfs his family, he is forced wrestle with many questions related to suffering.
Here's a couple of recommendations that I held over from the Christmas Reading Club. The following comes from a former Nanchanger who hangs out in Michigan now:
If you haven't read The Help yet, I'd highly recommend it. Lots of humor, but not a Christian book.
I thought I'd Never See the Day! by David Jeremiah. NOT humorous, but should be on your "must read" list.
Here are more recommendations held over from the Christmas Reading Club. They come from an author living in Spokane:
First, your call for humor is echoed by editors everywhere. We heard their pleas at every writers conference I attended over the years. I laughed most through Jan Karon's books--filled with spiritual truth in everyday people like those you know next door, at the cafeteria or at the water cooler. Funny to tears and literary excellence.
Here's a short list:
In the company of Others by Jan Karon, author the The Mitford Series (this one not so funny but I couldn't put it down). A tremendous piece of fiction set in Ireland that picks up the character Timothy McCavanaugh, a retired Episicopal priest, Karon's central protagonist in her wonderful town of Mitford series. In the Company... throbs with the underlying theme of forgiveness emerging from a family mystery.
About A Hole in the Gospel. Yes, LeRoy, an amazing story that both inspires and breaks the heart. It's worth the read just to learn of Stearn's testimony.
Radical, by David Platt, also a must read for every American. It has inspired my husband and I to continue our attempt to thin out belongings and scale down house-wise.
In Search of Balance by Richard A. Swenson (author of Margin); excellent! Balance is a soapbox of mine.
An old classic I read the 2nd time this year is Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders; the best book on leadership I've read. Seek the Moody Publishers 2007 edition. Quotes from many missionary greats; challenging; convicting.
Oh, we also love McManus but haven't read anything of his in years. He's from around here. Did you know?