Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Why Missionaries Can Never Go Home Again?

Why Missionaries Can Never Go Home Again

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

When a new missionary first gets to the mission field, it is obvious where home is.  It is that place where you just left.  It is the place where you grew up, went to school, got an education, discovered a church family, and formed your most important relationships.  
But when you live overseas long enough, a strange transition takes place.
Your “home” country doesn’t quite feel like home anymore.  When you “go home”, some of the same people and places are there, but life has moved on in your absence.  When you show up for the so-called “home assignment” or “furlough,” you can not just pick up where you left off.  You are a visitor.  An outsider.  A guest without a permanent role.  Your close friends have made new close friends.  Half the people in your home church only know you as a line item on list of prayer requests.   Some new technology, slang, or cultural trend has become common place… expect for you because you missed it when it first came out.
On the mission field, you said things like, “Back in my country….”  but few local people in your host country could relate to your story.  They listened politely but you knew they didn’t really understand. But that’s okay.  You comfort yourself with the thought, “People back home would understand me.”
But strangely enough, those people back home who were sure to understand…. well, they don’t.  Now that you are home, you are full of experiences and stories from the place that has become your second home.  You say things like, “Back in my host country…”  But, of course, whatever story you tell them about your host country is hard to relate to.  The things that you really miss about your host country receive a blank stare, or a “That’s weird.”  After your quaint tale is done, people go back to talking about the local sports team, the latest in national politics, or something else that you haven’t given much thought to in the past few years. It is not that they don’t like you.  They do.  They are glad you are finally “home.” But those “back home” people simply can not relate to your experiences “out there” in that country with the funny name whose people have even funnier (and unpronounceable) names.
On “home assignment”, people say to you, “Isn’t it great to be home!” and you think, “Yeah, kind of.”  Now that you’ve had a few of your favorite foods and seen a few old friends, there are fewer reasons to stay “home.”  You start to miss all those things about your host country that you came to love.  Certain foods, local friends, the ministry role that you were happily engaged in.  
Home is no longer home.  And sadly, that other place on the mission field will never truly be home either.  Home is both places, and neither place, at the same time.  

When at “home”, the missionary dreams about their host country.
When in their host country, the missionary dreams about their home country.

Missionaries are forever caught between two worlds.  They can no longer completely identify with the people whom they left behind in the home country. But they can never truly identify with the people in their host country.

Home is everywhere.
Home is nowhere.

But that’s okay.  There have been other travelers on this road.
“These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.  For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland.  If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return.  But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.” (Hebrews 11:13-16)
While here on earth, we will always feel a bit unsettled and out of place.  Missionaries and those of us living away from the place we grew up may experience that more than others. But someday, all those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ will finally be home again.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hearts & Hands Sale

All Jane's craft sales are over for this year. She has some Hearts & Hands stock left and will be happy to sell you the products. Below is the list of products and prices along with photos. Some of the quantities are very limited. Email Jane at <> if you would like to order or have questions about colors, quantity, etc.


#1 Christmas                                                                                      
Nativity Wall Hanging   $35
Merry Christmas ‘ILY Hands’   $25
Small Nativity Wall Hanging    $15
Angel Apron  $15

#2 Christmas Ornaments
Reindeer  $5
Mary/Jesus Red  $10
Mary/Jesus Gold $10
Chinese Angel  $5
Santa Panda finger puppet $4
Holly Leaves $2
Photo Frames  $3

#3 Celtic Wall Hangings
Trinity w/Circle  $25
Double Trinity w/Heart $25

#4 Minority Striped
Aprons  $15
Set of 2 Pot Holders  $10

#5 Wall Hangings
God Loves the World Cross $20
Welcome $15
Faith, Hope, Love $15
Circle of Friends $15

#6 Puppets, Dolls, Turtle
Large Puppet $50 (only 2 left)
Minority Dolls $20
 (Miao, Dai, Bai, Manchu Male, Manchu Female)
Turtle Pin Cushions $5

#7 Chinese Doll Clothes
     (Fits 16” American Doll-style)
Pajamas (red, pink, lavender, blue) $15
Dress (blue, lavender, pink)  $15

#8 Assortment
Pillow Covers (red, green, blue) $10
Tissue Box Cover  $5
Notecards (set of 5)  $10
Jewelry Clutch  $10
Headbands (2 styles)  $5
Coasters (faith, hope, love, blessings) $5

#9 Travel bags
Lingerie bags  $8
Shoe bags  $8

#10 Totes, Purses
Minority-striped Totes (red, green) $15
Tote/diaper bags  $15
Shoulder bag  $15
Chinese purse  $15
Canvas Shoulder Bag (black, brown, navy) $20
Large Wallet  $5

#11 Cross-stitch (not HH product)
Made by poor village women in Yunnan
Cross on Black cloth  $20
Bookmarks  $2.50

“Baby in a Box”  $18
“Backing in Front Door” $15
“The House”  $15
“Will You Go?”  $3

Monday, November 10, 2014

Vowels to Bosnia

The U.S. Deploys Vowels to Bosnia
(originally appeared in The Onion, Number One In News)

Cities of Sjlbvdnzv, Grzny to Be First Recipients

Before an emergency joint session of Congress yesterday, our President announced US plans to deploy over 75,000 vowels to the war-torn region of Bosnia. The deployment, the largest of its kind in American history, will provide the region with the critically needed letters A,E,I,O and U, and is hoped to render countless Bosnian names more pronounceable.

"For 14 years, we have stood by while names like Ygrjvslhv and Tzlynhr and Glrm have been horribly butchered by millions around the world," he said. "Today, the United States must finally stand up and say 'Enough.' It is time the people of Bosnia finally had some vowels in their incomprehensible words. The U.S. is proud to lead the crusade in this noble endeavour."

The deployment, dubbed Operation Vowel Storm by the State Department, is set for early next week, with the Adriatic port cities of Sjlbvdnzv and Grzny slated to be the first recipients. Two C-130 transport planes, each carrying over 500 24-count boxes of "E's," will fly from Andrews Air Force Base across the Atlantic and airdrop the letters over the cities.

Citizens of Grzny and Sjlbvdnzv eagerly await the arrival of the vowels. "My God, I do not think we can last another day," Trszg Grzdnjkln, 44, said. "I have six children and none of them has a name that is understandable to me or to anyone else. Mr. President, please send my poor, wretched family just one 'E.' Please."

Said Sjlbvdnzv resident Grg Hmphrs, 67: "With just a few key letters, I could be George Humphries. This is my dream."

The airdrop represents the largest deployment of any letter to a foreign country since 1984. During the summer of that year, the US shipped 92,000 consonants to Ethiopia, providing cities like Ouaouoaua, Eaoiiuae, and Aao with vital, life-giving supplies of L's, S's and T's.

Received from Becky Day.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Dreams of Greatness Fulfilled


Psalms 49:11 Their inward thought is that their houses shall continue forever, and their dwelling places to all generations, they call their lands after their own names.

The dreams of greatness are etched across our minds. As children we desire attention from the important people in our lives. As we grow older our desire for acclaim becomes stronger. The more fame we attain the more we want others to know we are somebody.

That is the great desire behind all people; even greater than money. The desire is not so much for things as it is for the recognition that having things will bring us. To have the biggest home - to drive the most expensive car - and then we will have reached the states of somebody.

It is very important and it becomes the all-encompassing goal of our lives. For some of us we just want our parents to know that we ‘can’ accomplish something - ‘look at me, look at what I’ve done’. So, children drive themselves - sometimes to make their parents proud [so they seek the path selected for them by their parents] - and at times to prove to their parents that they can go in the exact opposite direction of what their parents desired for them and become somebody.

For some, they diligently seek the acclaim of hundreds, then thousands, then even millions, knowing that if they can be known by enough people and then they’ll  be somebody

That’s why music and movie stars are so admired and so talked about - we buy their books, we buy their records, we go to their movies; we talk about them. Why? Because they have made it; they are known by millions. They have made it. 
Made what?

To be somebody, to make some mark in the world and not be just another faceless nobody who steps softly in and floats quietly out again with only a few nods in your direction.

Some have killed people for notoriety. By destroying a somebody they think it makes them a somebody.  We call them ‘crazy’ but they really have an overactive somebody complex.

So many people driving so hard to be a somebody ; so much energy invested in the quest of recognition. A mournful cry in the night, all alone, hidden under the covers; ‘won’t you recognize me? Won’t you please see that I am somebody?’

Youth silently passing in the quest for somebodyness.

And all the time, throughout the ages, down through the passages of time - to you - to me - to all humanity - God has been quietly repeating “You are a somebody.

A quiet thought when no one is around: “You are very special to Me.”

During the time of pain and sorrow: “Let Me hold you close and show you how much you mean to Me.”

In the still, dark night: “I have made you special.”

On the way up:  “You are a unique creation.”

On the way down: “There is no one else in  the world just like you.”

From the bottomless ache in your heart: “You are special to Me.”

We have been a somebody all along and never recognized that the One Who matters the most already knows you are special.

I’m Nobody! Who Are you?
by Emily Dickinson

I’m nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there’s a pair of us - don’t tell!
They’d banish us you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public like a frog.
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

Ps 17:8 Apple of God’s eye
Gen Made in the image of God
I John 5:4-5 We are overcomers
Matt 5:13 We are the light of the world
Matt 5:14 We are the salt of the earth
Rom 6:18-22 We are free
Is 51:11 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall come with singing

Phil 4:68 The peace of God shall keep you
Ps 138:7 Your right hand shall save me
John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled
Gen 6:9 Don’t be weary - reap the harvest
Ps 27:1 The Lord is my light whom shall I fear
Ps 121:3-4 Gods awake to guide you
Det 28:2-8 You are blessed   - Blessings overtake you
Det 28:11-12

I Peter 2:9

Saturday, September 13, 2014

God made you - What's His plan for you?

“Lord, I ask You for a vision of Your will for me.  My life cannot be successful unless I desire to be whom You called me to be.  I want to be a godly person.  I want my time, abilities, talents to bring honor to You.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.”   Tony Chan

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dominican Adventure!

Great time in the Dominican Republic but returned exhausted. The trip had equal amounts of struggle and blessings. I thank all of you for praying for Dana and I. We definitely needed your prayers as plans changed, storms came and many obstacles to overcome. It was a strong spiritual battle at times so we are not just exhausted physically but also mentally and spiritually.

The children and staff at the Deaf school blessed us so much. Since my ASL skills have improved, I was able to communicate with the staff, students and visiting African teacher. I did not remember much Spanish from my high school days. I always think (and speak occasionally) in Chinese when I am in any foreign country! Crazy but true.

The teaching technique I used seemed to work well. The problem was two of my students knew no sign language. Not certain they benefited but enjoyed the coloring and craft time.

Here are a few observations of my two weeks in Hata Mayor:

Never saw even one person smoking
Third world countries have many similarities
Will never take for granted having running water (without water for 4 days so collected rain water for flushing toilet, showers and washing hair)
Gasoline was $8 a gallon so few cars but many motorbikes

So encouraged by the commitment of the teaching staff for the welfare of the students

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Teaching Little Rascals

Thanks for your prayers. I had 8 little rascals, all boys. Three were new students with no sign language and one was autistic. What a challenge but fun. Below is a photo of a 5 year old new student. I do not know what is his condition but if you saw him in profile, his head looks like a football. He has the cutest smile. My story-telling was more 'mime' than signing. Had a tough time keeping their attention. They were really curious about my cochlear implant. I took it off and stuck it to a metal chair. Then I let each one of them feel the implant under my scalp. All were impressed and got their attention for a short while.

Kaitlyn, my 7 year old granddaughter taught me how to make rings and bracelets with colored elastic bands. I used those for our craft today and the boys had fun. Some did not have the fine motor skills to make them but a teacher's aide and a visiting teacher from Equatorial Guinea helped. 

I have 3 more classes this week. I am teaching the same story, Feeding the Five Thousand, four different ways trying to impact their understanding.

Thanks for all your prayers. My time is going fast. It is terribly hot and humid but I am still having fun.

Love & joy,

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Where has all the 'quiet' gone?

Never before have we learned so much we didn't need to know from people we don't like and can't get rid of in media that has only one purpose, to sell, sell, sell, and which has been steadily encroaching and circling and crowding out whatever peace and quiet is left in the cosmos and stirring up restlessness and envy and greed and impatience.    From Life Among the Lutherans by Garrison Keillo

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Most Persecuted People in the World

Christians: The world's most persecuted people

The former Chief Rabbi is appalled at the lack of protest about the treatment of Christians round the globe, and so should we be

The Centre for the Study of Global Christianity in the United States estimates that 100,000 Christians now die every year, targeted because of their faith – that is 11 every hour. The Pew Research Center says that hostility to religion reached a new high in 2012, when Christians faced some form of discrimination in 139 countries, almost three-quarters of the world's nations.
All this seems counter-intuitive here in the West where the history of Christianity has been one of cultural dominance and control ever since the Emperor Constantine converted and made the Roman Empire Christian in the 4th century AD.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Great News
Give thanks to God and keep praying for them as the liar will still try to attack them as they transition from being under such intense persecution to walking free.  Thanks You Jesus for setting her and her babies free.


Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman who gave birth in a Khartoum prison after being sentenced to death in May for allegedly converting from Islam to Christianity, has been freed, has confirmed.
Ibrahim, 27, refused to renounce her Christian faith in court in May, prompting a judge to sentence her to hang for apostasy. The case became an international cause, with several U.S. lawmakers and the State Department blasting the decision as barbaric. Sudan's national news service SUNA said the Court of Cassation in Khartoum on Monday canceled the death sentence after defense lawyers presented their case, and that the court ordered her release.

"We have confirmed through her attorney that she has been released from prison today," Tina Ramirez, executive director for the Christian advocacy group Hardwired, told Hardwired has worked closely with Ibrahim's family and lawyer.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

USA - Today?

Jerusalem staggers,
Judah is falling;
their words and deeds are against  the Lord,
defying His glorious presence.
The look on their faces testifies against them;
they parade their sin like Sodom;
they do not hide it.
Woe to them!
They have brought disaster upon themselves.
Isaiah 3:8-9

Thursday, June 12, 2014


IF My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The World or The Word - My Choice

John Kavanaugh

I write this not in anger, but sadness. So, sad of what we have become as Wesleyans and from the movement we once were...
Top Ten Common Arguments for Homosexual Relationships
10. Ignore the Scriptures general witness, especially about ‘original sin,’ for the last almost 2,000 years… because it’s about being a ‘good person!’
9. Ignore the faith & practice of the saints who have gone before you…because you know better!
8. Ignore all reason that shows that God made a man & woman for procreation & to be image of God’s image in the world (Gen.2:23-25; 1:28; Eph. 5:22-33).
7. Ignore experience. Say that you know many “good people” who were born that way, yet ignore those who experience deliverance from the lifestyle instantaneously or gradually.
6. Just redefine Biblical terms like most “cults” do such as “sin,” “faith,” and “love” to fit your needs. So, you parade around talking about “being more loving” yet ignore Jesus’ command that “If you love me you will obey my commandments” (John 14:15). Shucks, you know repentance is not that big of a deal either…we just short of “become Christians” by osmosis!
5. When you can’t win on traditional grounds…change subjects! “Don’t we need to be feeding poor people in Africa!”
4. Bring the argument up every year for over four decades, forming committees, using media, creating “illegal” movements within the church, protesting, and after realizing that your issue is not going to pass…break covenant anyway and do what you want!
3. After the opposing side, calls you back to Biblical repentance and to obey the covenant that you ordained …and you will not turn or repent they realize that their really can be no unity. Note, you also promote many “third way options” that only speed up the split, because you ignore the history recently within the Anglican & Episcopal Churches. Noting Jesus’ teaching (Mark 3:25), the other side makes a plan to move on fearing the end is near and let you go your way. You slander and call them “prideful” & “schismatics!”
2. After your movement has pressed the argument for decades, then claim that we are wasting time arguing and that, “IT’S REALLY TIME TO MAKE DISCIPLES!” & “IT’S ALL ABOUT MAKING DISCIPLES!” You ignore though that your ideology has led the UMC, and other mainline denominations, in perpetual decline, you are continually shrinking budgets, closing churches, your missionary presence has shrank, Cokesbury stores are closing because the average lay person “gave up” on it in the 1980’s, there are many books about the church being lost theologically for decades, and the average age in your church is 57…but if we just came together we could “make disciples” when that theological foundation that you have derived your “world view” from has brought death for generations!
1. Drum roll, PLEASE!!!!...If all else fails…call those you disagree with “bigots!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Few More Things I've Learned From A Two-Year-Old

The Dance of the Dandelions

Don’t you just hate ‘em?  
Those dandelions I mean.  

Here in the Great Inland Northwest where we are presently hanging out, dandelions are cursed by all the natives.  Landscapers will inspect your yard and quickly point out any dandelions encroaching on the lawn.  It’s like there is nothing worse in the world than the Curse of the Dandelions.  Their encroachment into any part of your lawn is to be avoided, fought and no expense is spared to destroy these invaders.
We moved into our present home in January. No dandelions, just lots of snow.  When spring finally did decide to make an appearance here, we had dandelions popping up all over the place. They practically covered the yard. 

All adults said bad things about our dandelions. Kaitlyn and Kyra did the dandelion dance. They loved having so many flowers that they could pick. Micah saw his sisters picking flowers and he joined in with them.  All three were exclaiming how great it was to have the lovely yellow flowers in our yard.

Perspective you see.
The world saw a yellow menace; our grandchildren saw a reason to dance.

God tells us over and over in His Word that we are to look at things differently from the world.  We are to act, talk, walk, act and react differently so that others will see Jesus in our lives. If we see things the way the world sees them, how are we any different? How will that attract people to us to ask “Why aren’t you cursing the dandelions?”
Join with our grandchildren in the Dance of the Dandelions and make people wonder about you. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fight The Good Fight

Fight The Good Fight of Faith*

When you fight the good fight
struggling to make it right
and all the world stands against you
Is there a place for these warriors so few
Where the rewards are displayed
Where the world stands amazed?

You were not born to it
You were not given it
The victories came with a fight
Standing, saying ‘this is right’
while others mocked and railed against you

Yet, you stood as one of the warriors few

*I Timothy 6:12

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Few More Things I've Learned From A Two-Year-Old

The Power of 'No'

No is a very valuable word.  Two year olds use it a lot. I would have to say that ‘no’ appears to be Kyra’s favorite word.
I often admonish her for saying ‘no’ so much.
However, there just may be some really good reasoning behind it. 
How much do two-year-olds understand when someone tells them something or asks them a question?

If you don’t understand what is being asked of you, or what is expected of you, isn’t it better to say ‘no’ than to readily agree to something?

Pretty smart I think, to say ‘no’ in many instances.
As those same two-year-olds move into the teen years, have we so drilled into them the importance of responding in a positive way, ‘yes’  that they all too readily agree to things their peers try to pressure them into?  There are many times during those years that a very strong ‘no’ is the proper answer.

Our Heavenly Father tells us ‘no’ and He has very good reasons even though we often do not see the reasons.  Just maybe the God of the Universe has installed in small children the ‘no’ word for His purposes. 

There are things of this world constantly trying to entice us into the sludge of sin. We have to say ‘no’ from the beginning or we will find ourselves sliding into that pit of sin. 

The temptations abound.  In this world you will have trials and temptations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. [John 16:33] That’s Jesus talking. He always knows what He is talking about.  When Jesus began His ministry, He began by saying ‘no’. The devil tempted Him with some powerful things, but He said ‘no’ and He said it quickly. 
Let your yes be yes and your no no. [Matt 5:7]  Do not be double minded. A double minded man is unstable in all that he does. [James 1:8]