Monday, May 2, 2011

What Can We Do?

Jesus told His disciples
[Matthew 28:19-20]

He told His disciples

You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
[Acts 1:8]

They went to Jerusalem.
They were having such a great time in Jerusalem that they stayed there.
After all, there was a much work to do there. They were seeing people being swept into The Kingdom by the thousands. Someone had to be there to teach and make disciples.

And that was happening and it was good and it was in obedience to Jesus
they were not going to Judea Samaria and the ends of the earth.

persecution came and then they suddenly remembered the other parts.
And the Good News spread as they were faithful to invest their time, energy, finances, lives into building The Kingdom of God.

The US has been the most blessed nation on earth for most of the years it has existed. It has certainly been the most powerful nation since WW II. We have had the power, the influence, the technology, the financial power to take the gospel around the world.
We have made many great strides in that

the job is still not done.

are we doing to change this?

We need people prayers finances

Is persecution coming to America?

God gave us the wherewithal to do this job. We have not done it. We have chosen to spend almost all our time, energy, resources on ourselves while others go to hell, never having heard the name of a savior - Jesus - never knowing that there is a God who loves them so.
We revel in the fact that there is a God who loves us so; that there is a savior who willingly gave up His life that we might have life everlasting. And we should rejoice in that fact.

Two/thirds of the world is dying without that knowledge. And what awaits them?

What are we doing to get the job done?

What is your church doing about this?

What are you doing about this?

Great is His faithfulness
May our loving Heavenly Father find us faithful to Him.


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