Monday, April 15, 2013

"Snakes Alive"

Below is today's message from LeRoy:

"Guess we need to get our 'drive the snake back' pray-ers going.  I encountered a cobra on the steps leading up to the cottage. Thankfully I had a torch or I might not have seen it. I quickly got Ding. Nezzar was there too. They both came out with sticks. It was still there. They did it in quickly.  Then he called the dogs. Not too thrilled to be finding snakes around." 

Fall of 2011, we served as relief staff at Bethany Ministries, Ltd. <> for almost 3 months. Hong Kong had been experiencing drought conditions and snakes were almost a daily occurrence on Cheung Chau Island. Both the Bamboo Viper and China Cobra are highly poisonous and native to Hong Kong. The one that scared me the most was a harmless one that was about 6 ft. long and decided to cross my path. Took forever for my heart rate to return normal.

Just last week I asked LeRoy if he had seen any snakes on Cheung Chau and he said no. I leave for Hong Kong next Monday and am not looking forward to the daily treks up and down the hills of the island.

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