Psalms 49:11 Their inward thought is that their houses shall continue forever, and their dwelling places to all generations, they call their lands after their own names.
The dreams of greatness are etched across our minds. As children we desire attention from the important people in our lives. As we grow older our desire for acclaim becomes stronger. The more fame we attain the more we want others to know we are somebody.
That is the great desire behind all people; even greater than money. The desire is not so much for things as it is for the recognition that having things will bring us. To have the biggest home - to drive the most expensive car - and then we will have reached the states of somebody.
It is very important and it becomes the all-encompassing goal of our lives. For some of us we just want our parents to know that we ‘can’ accomplish something - ‘look at me, look at what I’ve done’. So, children drive themselves - sometimes to make their parents proud [so they seek the path selected for them by their parents] - and at times to prove to their parents that they can go in the exact opposite direction of what their parents desired for them and become somebody.
For some, they diligently seek the acclaim of hundreds, then thousands, then even millions, knowing that if they can be known by enough people and then they’ll be somebody
That’s why music and movie stars are so admired and so talked about - we buy their books, we buy their records, we go to their movies; we talk about them. Why? Because they have made it; they are known by millions. They have made it.
Made what?
To be somebody, to make some mark in the world and not be just another faceless nobody who steps softly in and floats quietly out again with only a few nods in your direction.
Some have killed people for notoriety. By destroying a somebody they think it makes them a somebody. We call them ‘crazy’ but they really have an overactive somebody complex.
So many people driving so hard to be a somebody ; so much energy invested in the quest of recognition. A mournful cry in the night, all alone, hidden under the covers; ‘won’t you recognize me? Won’t you please see that I am somebody?’
Youth silently passing in the quest for somebodyness.
And all the time, throughout the ages, down through the passages of time - to you - to me - to all humanity - God has been quietly repeating “You are a somebody.”
A quiet thought when no one is around: “You are very special to Me.”
During the time of pain and sorrow: “Let Me hold you close and show you how much you mean to Me.”
In the still, dark night: “I have made you special.”
On the way up: “You are a unique creation.”
On the way down: “There is no one else in the world just like you.”
From the bottomless ache in your heart: “You are special to Me.”
We have been a somebody all along and never recognized that the One Who matters the most already knows you are special.
I’m Nobody! Who Are you?
by Emily Dickinson
I’m nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there’s a pair of us - don’t tell!
They’d banish us you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public like a frog.
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
Ps 17:8 Apple of God’s eye
Gen Made in the image of God
I John 5:4-5 We are overcomers
Matt 5:13 We are the light of the world
Matt 5:14 We are the salt of the earth
Rom 6:18-22 We are free
Is 51:11 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall come with singing
Phil 4:68 The peace of God shall keep you
Ps 138:7 Your right hand shall save me
John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled
Gen 6:9 Don’t be weary - reap the harvest
Ps 27:1 The Lord is my light whom shall I fear
Ps 121:3-4 Gods awake to guide you
Det 28:2-8 You are blessed - Blessings overtake you
Det 28:11-12
I Peter 2:9