Thanks for your prayers. I had 8 little rascals, all boys. Three were new students with no sign language and one was autistic. What a challenge but fun. Below is a photo of a 5 year old new student. I do not know what is his condition but if you saw him in profile, his head looks like a football. He has the cutest smile. My story-telling was more 'mime' than signing. Had a tough time keeping their attention. They were really curious about my cochlear implant. I took it off and stuck it to a metal chair. Then I let each one of them feel the implant under my scalp. All were impressed and got their attention for a short while.
Kaitlyn, my 7 year old granddaughter taught me how to make rings and bracelets with colored elastic bands. I used those for our craft today and the boys had fun. Some did not have the fine motor skills to make them but a teacher's aide and a visiting teacher from Equatorial Guinea helped.
I have 3 more classes this week. I am teaching the same story, Feeding the Five Thousand, four different ways trying to impact their understanding.
Thanks for all your prayers. My time is going fast. It is terribly hot and humid but I am still having fun.
Love & joy,