I'm looking for that new wine but wondering if I'm not getting filled with the new wine because I'm an old wineskin.
Perhaps I should have entitled this Looking For the New Wine.
Now, I know some of you are thinking, 'well at your age, of course you're an old wineskin. You're an old everything.'
That's your opinion.
I don't perceive this as having anything to do with the physical. It is the nature of my spirit being and where I am in my relationship with the Holy Spirit.
I do believe that the Holy Spirit can and will fill me with new wine when I have a new wineskin.
The question that needs answering is 'How do I become a new wineskin?'
Again I think it is all wrapped up in my relationship with the Holy Spirit. He makes me into a new wineskin and He then fills me with the new wine. Had he poured the new wine into the present wineskin, that is not ready to receive new wine, it would cause me to burst wide open. Not sure what that means in the spiritual realm but it can't be a good thing.
In order to become a new wineskin I have to move beyond where I am at present. I feel like I may have developed patterns that are bordering on 'being religious'. And you all know how Jesus felt about the religious types. I don't want to fall into that category.