His arm is across my shoulder with his hand on my shoulder to help keep me in step with Him. Jesus is a little taller than me. His head inclines toward me as if He’s listening intently to everything I say. I am very comfortable in that place. It is easy to walk like that.
As temptations, lies, things that try to pull me away, as they come, Jesus gives me a gentle tap on my shoulder to remind me that He is here with me and that together we can overcome our enemy. It is just a gentle pull – back toward Him – nothing forceful as I must make my own decision – just that gentle reminder that He is here.
Yet, yet, I find myself leaning away from Jesus, taking His hand and removing it from around my shoulder and walking toward that thing that is pulling me away from Jesus.
When I glance back I see that His hand is still stretched out to me and the look on His face is one of compassion and understanding. It is as if He is saying to me – though He doesn’t speak – ‘I know how that pulls at you. I understand that it is enticing, that it looks pretty, but please do not go there. You will be hurt – badly hurt.’ And His hand is still extended to me – an invitation to come back under His arm of love, and to continue our walk together. And, even when I stupidly turn from Him and go to that thing that draws me – when I finally come to my senses, I look back and see His hand still stretched out to me and with tears in His eyes, He says, ‘Come to Me.’ He weeps for me, for the pain I have brought on myself and He weeps for what has been lost between us.
Yet, His hand is stretched out still and He says, ‘Come to Me, let us walk together.’
I timidly turn, not knowing if I am really welcome, for I shunned Him before. I chose to walk away from Him.
As I take halting steps back to Jesus, with my head hanging in shame, I feel His eyes on me and I look up. I look up to see Jesus with both hands extended toward me and His arms open wide and a huge smile on His face., and I run – I run into His welcoming arms. He hugs me to Him and I know I am home again.
He holds me for awhile, then gently turns me and we begin our walk again, as best friends, with His arm draped gently, lovingly over my shoulder.
Walking with Jesus.
When you walk with the Lord
In the light of his Word
What a glory He sheds on our way
While we do His good will
He abides with us still
And with all who will trust and obey
Trust and obey
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But to trust and obey