Friday, June 21, 2013

Facts- Not Feelings - The Bible

Our knowledge of God is based on the promises in the Bible. 
It is based on facts, not feelings. 
If we were to rely only on our feelings we could never be sure about anything. Our feelings go up and down depending on all sorts of factors, such as the weather or what we've had for breakfast. They can be changeable and even deceptive. The promises in the Bible, which is the word of God, do not change and are totally reliable.
From Questions of Life by Nicky Gumbel

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Is God Speaking to Me?

Do you ever wonder if God is trying to get through to you?

"Is God speaking to me?"

Well, follow this and let me know what you think. 

There are times when I wonder, "Am I hearing God's voice? Are those God's Words that come to mind as I pray and ask questions?"

How does God speak to you?

Follow this and then you can tell me what you think:

Years ago I felt impressed that The Lord was trying to get Psalm 46:10 into my head. [More on that later.]

In the last few months there seems to be an intense effort by the God of the Universe to point me in one, very clear, direction.

While in Hong Kong I was attending a men's study on Thursday evening.  The study: a book by Bob Sorge entitled Secrets of the Secret Place.
What's it about?  Getting close to God; forsaking all others [people, jobs,activities, anything] and snuggling up next to Father God

While at Bethany I started reading a book by Dutch Sheets entitled 
Intercessory Prayer: How God Can use your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth

When I returned to Spokane in mid-May back to attending Spokane Deaf Church. We have an intern Kinna Franklin, teaching Sunday School and Wednesday Bible study.  Title of the study: Journey Into Intimacy With God

Do you think the Holy Spirit is pointing me in one specific direction?

Be still and know that I AM God  Ps 46:10
Secrets of the Secret Place    Ps 91
Intercessory Prayer
Journey Into Intimacy With God

Now, I must apply myself and do this.

Would you like to join me on a quest to truly ABIDE in God?  [John 15]

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Who's Knocking At Your Door?

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Rev 3:20