Don't work to get right with God, just GET WITH God
and allow Him to take care of the rest.
From The Long Way Home by Laura Mullenix
I have to admit I let out a little scream when I saw Almond Joys at the Kunming Wal-Mart.
Oh, how that brought back a great memory. Way back in 1988, we were teaching at Qingdao University. City teammates called to say they had found Snickers, my favorite candy bar, at the little Friendship Store downtown. Oh what joy! That was unheard of back in the late 80s in China. We left immediately to head downtown.
When we arrived, our friends were there! Their teenage son said, "I told you not to call the Ramseys!"
We bought all that were left of the one box available and saved them for Christmas gifts. Back then there were slim pickings for gift items. As you can tell in the photo above, the women got aprons and Snickers. What a treat!
We may not have had much but we had a great time rejoicing in the little things that came our way. Made me realize that it was the little things that made our early years in China bearable. Small gifts and great friendships!
Qingdao Christmas 1988: Florence Riesen, Kristen Kenagy Zetzsche, Ginni (American student), Becky Neufeld, Jane Ramsey, Sandy Harrison, Teri Woodland and Ruth Wolters.